Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A new WISP, and a couple of other things.

I've been collecting some black and white prints over the last year or so, planning to do "something" with them. Well, yesterday I started on these wonky DP squares. It took a bit of practise to get the curves going properly, but now it's getting easier. I don't have a deadline for this quilt. I'm just going to use it for a "work in slow progress" to play with between big quilts.

21 down, 51 to go.
Then I had a little problem. I know "they" say you shouldn't sew over pins, but I don't think THIS is quite what they meant lol.
I did a bit of doodling too. Playing with a different way to do feathers, or paisley, or whatever you want to call it, but I like how it turned out. I can see a lot of dimension even in the pencil drawing, so I know I'm going to love it in a quilt.

So, what have you been up to lately?

1 comment:

Cheryll said...

It's a wonder you didn't break a needle... or perhaps you did?.. anyway I just LoVe the black and white quilt you are playing with! :)