I love Friday Night Sew In. It gives me an excuse to quilt until I wilt. Well, tonight I wilted pretty fast. Let me fill you in on a few of the reasons.
First. I spent all day with a sick kid. Now, normally that would not wilt me, but you have to understand. Winter gave us a kick in the teeth this week with record snowfalls causing three, YES THREE, snow days in a row, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. To add to this, my darling son also had a PD day last Friday. So if you add in the weekend, he had 6 days off, 1 day of school and now another day off sick, and now it's the weekend again. I swear, if I hear "I'm bored" one more time, I won't be responsible for my actions!
Second. My wonderful, workhorse, laptop - crashed. Tonight of all nights. Lucky for me I know my IT by first name and can bring it to his house. Ha ha. We're not that close. He works out of his house. Anyway, it's pooched for at least 24 hours. How am I posting this you may ask. Please do! I am posting by using the cute little laptop that has been hiding behind the sofa for the last month as it is my son's Christmas present. So, naturally, I've had to wait until his nibs is safely asleep before I can a: install the printer driver so I can download my photos, and b: recover my password for this blog as I never use it because, well, I'm lazy and use Roboform to store all my passwords.

Third. I have a new quilting gadget!! It looks like this. Yes, that's right, it's a splint for carpal tunnel syndrome. My left hand has been going "tingly" for the last couple of weeks, so when I was at the Doc's office for another matter, I mentioned it. She figures it is the beginning of carpal tunnel syndrome and told me to wear the splint for 6 wks and then we'll figure out if it is cts or not. I did not mention that I've been quilting like a fiend lately. I figure she didn't need to hear that.
On my last post I expressed my disappointment in a pattern and the fabric for it that I had chosen. I didn't show you the results then, so here is the "potholder" I made.

Not one to give up easily, I figured I just HAD to come up with something I did like for this fabric. It's just too much to stick into the neverland of my stash.
I found an old pattern from Thimbleberries called Sedona Stars in my file of goodies, and it reminded me about the 8 point star that I've used in other projects. So, I figured I'd do a couple of test blocks. And, "I LIKE."

So, tonight's sew in consisted of me, trying to get my sick kid to take in enough nutrition to keep a bird alive, driving across the city to drop off my laptop and then driving home again, an hour or so of getting the "other" laptop up to snuff so I could post tonight, and finally - a couple of hours of sewing. I got 9 stars done, using 3 of the 4 key fabrics. I am not following a pattern this time, but want to end up with a queen sized quilt. Since these blocks are finishing at 10" square, I have some sewing to do.
I'm thinking of mixing things up a bit and putting in some larger and smaller blocks, and maybe some 4 and 9 patch blocks and maybe a block just made of flying geese, but I'll have to pop things onto the design wall to see if I like how it comes together.
But for now, I'm wilted. So is my dog, she's passed out on the sofa. I think I'll cuddle up with her and watch the late news and hit the sack. Nitey night!