Sunday, July 31, 2011

Update for "Margaret's Garden"

I'm about 2/3 rds finished quilting the diamonds on Margaret's Garden. I must say, I'm liking the ruler work. It makes sewing the straight lines so much easier. Once I have them done, it's time for pressing.
You see, the half diamonds around the perimeter have bias edges, so of course they have taken a beating with all the handling.
That's why I left adding the borders until the middle is done. I'll add them in the "sew as you go" method. But first, I have some starching, and pressing, and easing, and whatever I have to do to get the edges to lie flat before I add the borders.
I might get it done by the weekend, but then maybe not.
You see, I just made arrangements to go to our nation's capitol and show my DS around the parliament buildings and museums. Followed by a few days at my little bro's cottage. Not even a quilt can keep me from that!


Pat said...

Have a great time! The quilt will be there when you get back.

Christie describeHappy said...

Enjoy your trip!